Two years older than Fraser, Bowen attended the College of Charleston and was its first graduate. He continued to have ties with the College, serving as a tutor, principal, president and trustee. He was Rector of St. Michael's Church, 1804-1809, and Bishop of South Carolina from 1818 until his death in 1839. He was described by Frederick A. Porcher as, "Grave and dignified; he became the Episcopal office better than any man I have ever seen. As a preacher he was indifferent, his sentences were all too long to be taken in by a hearer and in consequence of a tendency to stammer, he spoke with his teeth closed, so his voice was sepulchral." In its delicate touch and light coloring, Fraser's miniature of Bowen reveals Malbone's influence. The miniature was painted the same year as Bowen's appointment as rector of St. Michael's.
This text is adapted from Martha Severens "The Miniature Portrait Collection of the Carolina Art Association" published by the Carolina Art Association, 1984