Colonel Thomas Pinckney, Jr.

Artist: Malbone, Edward Greene
Date: 1801

The son of General Thomas Pinckney, Pinckney spent part of his childhood in London while his father was ambassador. The Society of Cincinnati paid him the following tribute: "Inheriting family distinction and wealth, Col. Pinckney was early in life placed in a situation in society which required him to support the station of a Carolina gentleman, and by his courteous manners and generous hospitality, he adorned that elevated and dignified station." A planter, he was interested in scientific agriculture and was president of the Pendleton, SC, Farmers Society. Pinckney had his portrait painted during December, 1801 - January, 1802. While his portrait and that of his wife Eliza are thought of as a pair, they were not designed to be so; his figure is on a smaller scale, and they have different types of backgrounds. Malbone has dramatically accented his portrait with the red of Pinckney's waistcoat.


This text is adapted from Martha Severens "The Miniature Portrait Collection of the Carolina Art Association" published by the Carolina Art Association, 1984

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