The identity of the sitter is not certain. She bears a resemblance to Eliza lzard in dress, hairstyle and facial features, and the provenance of the miniatures is the same. It may be one of the three or four miniatures Mrs. lzard paid for in 1801. The identity of Louisa Charlotte is traditional, but probably incorrect; in 1801 Louisa Charlotte would have been less than eight years old. It may in fact be another lzard daughter, possibly Mary (1780?-1858?) or Patience (1786?-1860). Tolman includes the work in his book as an "unknown young lady. " Placed almost in profile, the sitter becomes a little remote. Details in the background, such as the tree, serve to balance the composition.
This text is adapted from Martha Severens "The Miniature Portrait Collection of the Carolina Art Association" published by the Carolina Art Association, 1984