A Journalist’s Look at the Culture, Conflict, and Creativity of the South | Adam Parker Book Talk

November 16, 2022 @ 12:00 AM

Gibbes Museum of Art

Adam Parker covers race, history, and culture at the Post and Courier. On the eve of the release of his latest book, Us: A Journalist's Look at the Culture, Conflict, and Creativity of the South, join us for a special book talk moderated by Gibbes Museum of Art executive director Angela Mack.  

About Adam

Adam Parker earned degrees in music, spent a decade in the business world, then went back to school for a graduate degree in journalism from Columbia University. At The Post and Courier, he has worked in a variety of capacities, covering several beats, including religion, arts and culture and, most recently, race and history. A long-time student of the civil rights movement and race in America, he has written extensively about the African-American experience. He is the author of the biography “Outside Agitator: The Civil Rights Struggle of Cleveland Sellers Jr.,” published in 2018 by Hub City Press, and "Us: A Journalists Look at the CUlture, Conflict and Creativity of the South," published in 2022 by Evening Post Books.