Collage and Mixed Media with Anne McCormick
Class canceled.Explore the unexpected joy of juxtaposing images to create your own original treasure with instructor Anne E. McCormick. Enjoy creating a unique and captivating collage to take home. These artworks will be fashioned from pieces of magazines, fabric, decorative paper, ribbon, stamps, foil, photos, etc. that you bring to recycle. Design, color, compositions and originality will be the focus of this upbeat class with the museum as a resource.
Suggested Supplies: Shirt cardboards or pieces of illustration board (cut to the size of your choice), scissors, glue (mod podge or acrylic medium, non-yellowing), at least two small sponge paint applicators, 2 dimensional items you are willing to cup up (photos, magazines, fabric, wrapping or wall paper, ribbon, etc.) Optional: magic markers, colored pencils (and/or watercolor pencils), watercolor or gouache paint and brushes
Most supplies can be purchased at Artist & Craftsman Uptown located at 981 King Street.
$125 Members | $150 Non-Members