Gallery Talk with Katy Mixon and Maria White
The Gibbes presents Common Ground, works by past Visiting Artists Katy Mixon and Maria White from May 6 - June 19, 2022, in the Ruth and Bill Baker Art Sales Gallery. Join the artists for a tour of the exhibit on Wednesday, May 11 at 3 pm; admission free and open to the public. Working primarily with oil paint and clay, Mixon and White each begin with a nutrient-rich muck; oily mud and watery mud, respectively. Using incremental and repetitive methods, Mixon and White model their forms on the biological patterns and cyclical rhythms found in nature. With process-driven approaches to craft, the artists arrive at objects heavily influenced by what can be learned through the hands. In shaping these earthen materials, they study the faceted ways in which light skims across a surface, illuminates a space, or sinks into a hollow. Drawing viewers in with subtle variations in color, Mixon and White emphasize textures that can only be achieved through time and practice.