Gibbes Women’s Council Trip to Hampton and Hopsewee Plantations

November 15, 2018 @ 12:00 AM

Hampton and Hopsewee Plantations

Please join us Thursday, November 15th for our annual historical bus tour and luncheon to Hampton and Hopsewee Plantations. We will enjoy lunch after our tour at the Hopsewee tea room. Hampton Plantation is located in McClellanville, in the Santee Delta region and was the home of Eliza Pinckney, who developed Indigo as one of the most important cash crops in South Carolina. Hampton Plantation was home a colonial-era rice plantation, but the land has reverted to woodland swamps. The plantation's Georgian-style mansion and well-kept grounds serve as an interpretive site for the system of slavery that helped build such plantations in South Carolina into the greatest generators of wealth in early American History. Once the home of Archibald Rutledge, SC’s first poet laureate, it is now a state historic site. Hopsewee Plantation, the birthplace of Thomas Lynch, Jr., is a plantation house built in 1735 near Georgetown, SC. Lynch was a signer of the Declaration of Independence and his home, Hopsewee, was a Lowcountry rice plantation. The cost is $75 per person which includes bus transportation, tours of both plantations, and lunch at the River Oak Cottage tea room at Hopsewee. Lunch will include options of Southern Tea sampler plate, shrimp and grits, blue cheese spinach quiche, or chicken salad over mixed greens. Wine and mimosas will be available for purchase with lunch.