Printmaking: Linocuts and Woodcuts
May 2, 2018 @ 12:00 AM
Gibbes Museum of Art
Class meets for four sessions on May 2, 9 16, and 23.
Don't have a press? No worries - learn how to pull prints by hand. Lese Corrigan, of
Corrigan Gallery and founder of
Imprimatur Charleston will introduce students to relief cutting, and will explore printing techniques that do not require substantial equipment or commitment.
Suggested supplies: soft pencils (2B or 3B), newsprint pad, 2 linoleum blocks mounted or unmounted OR woodblock, no bigger than 8x10inches, carving tools (small starter set like Speedball), drawing from which to work, bamboo flat (rice) spoon, printing paper (1 Kouzo sheet and 1 Arches sheet); the Gibbes will provide ink and brayers but you are welcome to bring your own if you desire.
Most supplies can be purchased at
Artist & Craftsman Uptown located at 981 King Street.
$140 Members | $165 Non-Members