Prop Master Revisited: Race, Response, and Representation

May 15, 2019 @ 12:00 AM

Gibbes Museum of Art

In 2009, the Gibbes collaborated with artists Juan Logan and Susan Harbage Page to examine the Gibbes collection and its collecting habits in the context of race, class, and gender. The provocative installation that resulted was entitled Prop Master and was designed to highlight the role the Gibbes and museums in general play in shaping social norms and reinforcing power structures based on what they choose to collect and exhibit, and what they exclude. Ten years later, artists, educators, and curators will convene to examine the impact of the exhibition in Charleston and discuss how museum exhibitions, collections, and programs play a role in social justice. Panelists include Sara Arnold, Gibbes Museum Director of Curatorial Affairs; Harlan Greene, Head of Special Collections, College of Charleston; Juan Logan, artist; Brenda Tindal, Director of Education and Engagement, International African American Museum; and Stephanie Yuhl, Professor of history, College of the Holy Cross. Adam Parker of the Post & Courier will moderate the discussion. $10 Members and Students/Faculty with valid ID | $15 Non-Members This event is sponsored in part by Roper St. Francis Healthcare and College of Charleston Friends of the Library