The Gibbes Distinguished Lecture Series Presents Dr. Sarah Elizabeth Lewis
The Gibbes Museum of Art is thrilled to welcome Dr. Sarah Elizabeth Lewis as our 2023 Distinguished Lecture Speaker. Our first art historian, Dr. Lewis is the John L. Loeb Associate Professor of the Humanities and Associate Professor of African and African American Studies at Harvard University. Before joining faculty at Harvard, she held curatorial positions at MOMA, the Tate Modern, and served as a critic at Yale University School of Art. Her work, promoting visual literacy, has been profiled in The New York Times, The New York Review of Books, The New Yorker, The Atlantic, and The Boston Globe.
In 2016, Dr. Lewis co-edited the groundbreaking Vision & Justice issue of photography magazine Aperture, which focused on reexamining historical narratives around photography. In 2019, Harvard University hosted the Vision & Justice Conference, which saw thought-leaders including filmmaker Ava DuVernay, renowned scholar Henry Louis Gates Jr., and contemporary artist Carrie Mae Weems among many others gathering to consider the role of the arts in understanding the nexus of art, race, and justice.
Tickets on sale through the Sottile Theatre box office.
$50 members* | $60 Non-Members | $15 Student | $10 Virtual
Esther Ferguson | Jane and Mike McLain | Samuel Freeman Trust
Lou Hammond | Post and Courier | Andrea and Steven Strawn
Anne and Bill Anderson | Emma and George Christopher | Wendy and Steven Dopp | Deborah Kennedy Kennard and William Kennard, Kennard Kennedy Charitable Fund | Liz and Chuck Sullivan
David and Martie Adams | Jill and Richard Almeida | Sarah Donnem | Mary Jane Gooman-Giddens | Milton and JoAnn Hearne | Brenda Heinig and Chris Moss, CPA Cathy and Buddy Jenrette | Brenda Lauderback and Boyd Wright | Renee Licht and Michael Sussman | Denise and Bernard Mansheim | Sally Smith, The Wilbur S. Smith and Sally J. Smith Foundation
Martie and David Adams | AV Connections | Tater and Bill Beak | Cammy Noble Cranworth | FOX 24 Charleston | The Francis Marion Hotel | Greystar | Cathy and Buddy Jenrette | Liz and Spencer Lynch | The Martin Z. Margulies Foundation | Heather McFarlin | Dr. Jennifer Parker Porter and Mr. Stanley E. Porter
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*Members, to access member pricing for this event, please check your email from September 5 for the code and instructions. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to contact the Gibbes at [email protected] or the Sottile at [email protected].