When the Gibbes Museum opened in 1905, the nation celebrated what Charleston has always understood: the power of art – to inspire our imagination, heal our hurt, and nourish our souls.

Giving Thanks at the Gibbes

As 2018 draws to a close, it’s nice to pause and reflect on all that’s happened this year, and what we are grateful for. Below are just a few things that the staff are thankful for here at the Gibbes, with our wishes for a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving!

1. To be able to walk through a gorgeous Museum each day and spend a few quiet moments engaging with our inspiring art.

2. Magical garden concerts in the Lenhardt Garden.

3. Our new mobile app!

4. Avocado toast (and other tasty treats!) from The Daily.

Andrew Cebulka Photography

5. Such an amazing and hardworking Gibbes staff.

6. Our increased accessibility with new interactives such as Didu on the first floor.

7. All of the vendors who work tirelessly to create wonderful events at the Gibbes.

8. Days when we walk in our kitchen and can sample yummy leftovers from a Gibbes event!

9. The Women’s Council members who go above and beyond to give back to the Museum and community.

10. Our social media followers on FacebookInstagram, and Twitter.

11. The out-of-the-box thinking and creativity of our staff, Board, and volunteers who always come up with great ideas for programming and events.

12. Starting Friday mornings with Yoga in the Rotunda, taught by our own Special Events Assistant, Katie Borges.

13. Our amazing Museum Educators, docents, and volunteers who act as ambassadors for the Gibbes and the collection for visitors of all ages.

14. To have survived another year of summer camp!

15. All visitors near and far who #SoarToTheGibbes!

Erin Banks, Creative Director

16. TicTacs and bubble gum that get us through long days, and the co-workers who generously share them!

17. Our amazing Visiting Artists who inspire us every day with their creativity and passion.

18. The arrival of new merchandise from the talented local vendors featured in the Museum Store.

19. A tax-free Museum Store!

20. An incredible Board of Directors who consistently go above and beyond, working tirelessly for the Museum.

21. Our private event rental clients who trust us with their most special day.

Amelia and Dan Photography

22. All of the incredibly thought-provoking exhibitions and speakers the Gibbes hosts throughout the year.

23. The energy and fresh-perspective brought to us by Society 1858!

24. The wonderful local organizations we partner with every day to keep the Museum running smoothly.

25. Our award-winning Creative Director, Erin Banks! (see #15)

26. The growth of our Gibbes family to include the friendly faces of everyone at The Daily.

27. New (2016) HVAC that keeps our galleries comfortable for visitors and hospitable for the long-term preservation of the art collection.

28. Our security staff who work very hard to make sure Museum visitors, the building and the spectacular collections within are safe and secure.

29. Our extended Museum family of #GibbesGirls and #GibbesGuys who make us laugh and provide a reality check on “those” days!

30. Most of all, we’re grateful for you—our loyal members and donors! The Gibbes would not be the same without you!

From all of us at the Gibbes, THANK YOU!

November 23, 2018

Top image: A few of our dedicated staff members at the Gibbes.


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