With the official opening of our newest exhibitions here at the Gibbes, Anna Heyward Taylor: Intrepid Explorer and Lying in Wait: Sporting Art by Ogden M. Pleissner, I thought I’d share a little of the behind the scenes of what goes into preparing for a new show, and 5 things to know about exhibition installation! […]
With our calendars now turned to 2019, we caught up with some Gibbes staff members to ask about their goals for the coming year. Read on to check out what’s on our radar for the year ahead! Megan Zembower, Program and Tour Coordinator Continue to get to know the Gibbes permanent collection better Run the bridge […]
When I first started working at the Gibbes I didn’t really know what expect. I had recently declared my major at the time and I felt that volunteering here would be a way to become more serious about the “museum world” and to learn more practical experience that I wouldn’t be able to learn in […]
The King Street Antique Stroll has become an annual tradition at the Gibbes Museum of Art. Each year, experts in decorative arts and design fields lead groups of participants up and down lower King Street, stopping in at designated antiques shops for a peak at their treasures. It’s a very festive evening, with the dealers […]
As 2018 draws to a close, it’s nice to pause and reflect on all that’s happened this year, and what we are grateful for. Below are just a few things that the staff are thankful for here at the Gibbes, with our wishes for a wonderful and relaxing Thanksgiving! 1. To be able to walk […]
One project that has been on our radar here at the Gibbes for years is developing a mobile app aimed at delving deeper into the collection. Long-time visitors and members may remember that before the renovation, the Gibbes offered a cell phone audio tour of a number of pieces in the collection. This was always […]
Stephen Elliott Webb, a Gibbes Museum Visiting Artist, sat down with Frank Conrad Russen, Director of the Principle Gallery, to talk about his background as an artist, coining new genres, and his time and projects while at the Gibbes. Take a peek at their conversation, and be sure to visit Stephen Elliott Webb in studio […]
Three years ago this month, when I was 46, I started a secret Facebook group purely for my own entertainment. The idea was to create a safe and funny space where I could be self-deprecating and candid and talk about all the uncomfortable things that were happening to both my body and my emotions as […]
Yoga and art have both played an integral role in my life, and the fact that I am now able to teach yoga once a month at the Gibbes is such a beautiful and meaningful way of bringing my two worlds together. Both forms of expression have always allowed me to feel a deeper connection […]
Leo Twiggs made headlines as this year’s winner of the Society 1858 Prize for Contemporary Southern Art! See coverage from ABC News 4, Charleston City Paper, Charleston Currents, The Post and Courier, Charleston Chronicle, Fox 24 News, WCBD News 2, the Times & Democrat, and more. Charleston Scene spotlighted the Gibbes as the perfect back-to-school […]