Hirona Matsuda
September 17, 2018 @ 12:00 AM - October 6, 2018 @ 12:00 AM
Hirona Matsuda is best known for her miniature-scale assemblage sculpture. She uses found and salvaged materials to reconstruct images influenced by observations of her surroundings. The results are narrative constructions with a focus on the balance of light and shadow, deliberately composed to recreate the feel of a remembered space as well as highlight its physical elements.
Matsuda grew up in Charlotte, NC and moved to South Carolina to attend the College of Charleston. She set up her studio in the downtown arts district soon after graduation and produced her first group exhibition in 2007. Since then she has collaborated with some of Charleston's most influential contemporary artists and curators. In recent years she completed several large scale installations and set designs with local artists Alan Jackson and Riki Matsuda. This experience with installation and site specific work influenced her most recent solo exhibition "1218" at Beresford Studios which incorporated quintessential found objects on a larger, more interactive scale.