When the Gibbes Museum opened in 1905, the nation celebrated what Charleston has always understood: the power of art – to inspire our imagination, heal our hurt, and nourish our souls.

Radcliffe Bailey Wins 2010 Factor Prize for Southern Art


Congratulations are in order for mixed media artist Radcliffe Bailey who was named the 2010 winner of the Factor Prize for Southern Art and received the $10,000 cash prize that accompanies the award. Awarded annually by the Gibbes, the Factor Prize acknowledges an artist whose work demonstrates the highest level of artistic achievement in any media while contributing to a new understanding of art in the South. Bailey was selected from a group of six finalists that also included Aldwyth, Willie Birch, William Christenberry, Sally Mann, and Joyce Scott. To view work by these artists and to learn more about the Factor Prize, click here.

Published May 4, 2010

Windward Coast, 2009 (detail), by Radcliffe Bailey, piano keys, plaster bust, glitter, dimensions variable, courtesy of Solomon Projects
Windward Coast, 2009 (detail), by Radcliffe Bailey, piano keys, plaster bust, glitter, dimensions variable, courtesy of Solomon Projects
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