How do you capture the essence of something like artist Jonathan Green’s personal art collection and translate it into a party? A collection which Green and partner Richard Weedman have spent the past thirty years curating? A collection that includes works from around the world by artists from Cuba, Africa, the Caribbean, Latin America, and North America? Well, you put together an experience that incorporates the cultural milieux of all the native lands from which the works come. Imagine drummers drumming on the front steps of the museum; vintage autos lining the street; a well-heeled champagne-mojito drinking crowd filtering in to find a Garage Cuban band playing funky beats; a Latin Jazz trio in the groove; and an explosive performance by a West African drum and dance ensemble. You serve traditional cocktails, and hors d’oeuvres inspired from those regions, and create a décor element to complement it all. What am I talking about? Habanero Rhythm, of course.

Okay, I should back up. I am the co-chair for the winter party hosted by the Gibbes Museum’s Society 1858 auxiliary group, and it’s based on the current exhibition VIBRANT VISION: The collection of Jonathan Green and Richard Weedman. We’ve named our event Habanero Rhythm and created an experience that we hope speaks to the cultural heritage of many of the artists included in the collection. But it’s more than that. We’ve actually had a chance to meet and get to know Richard and Jonathan, and to go to their home and see their collection. This party is for them and to honor the generous and giving spirit with which they share their love of art with anyone and everyone—we are trying to do them proud!

I don’t want to give away all our little surprises here… just to say the event is going to be awesome. Buy your ticket. Today. I know many of you have (hopefully) been to a Society 1858 event, so you already know the careful thought and planning that goes into them. Each one uniquely based on a current exhibition and the inspiring personality(ies) behind it. With the artists and collectors themselves at each party, these celebrations are a chance to meet and talk to the people in the art world who make it happen. And on top of all the important art-world relevance, they are FUN. See you Friday, February 8th, for Habanero Rhythm!
Margaret Seeley Furniss, co-chair of Society 1858’s Habanero Rhythm, and guest blogger
To purchase tickets to this event, visit
Watch videos of past Society 1858 events: Bitters & Twisted in the Salon d’Orleans and Luce e Colore: La Bella Notte Italiana
Published January 31, 2013