Category: Visiting Artist Archives - Gibbes Museum of Art

Patrick Dougherty installs sticks in the Gibbes Museum atrium.

ExhibitionsBehind the ScenesArtist Spotlight

The Magic of Patrick Dougherty

This evening the Gibbes unveils a whimsical wonder by artist Patrick Dougherty. Entitled Betwixt and Between, Patrick’s site-specific installation fills the museum’s second-floor glass atrium with soaring spires inspired by the church steeples that punctuate the Charleston skyline. The installation is an awe-inspiring site to behold. As Patrick and his son Sam have constructed the […]

Sonya Clark

Artist SpotlightProgramsInterns

Visiting Artists Coming to the Gibbes

With temperatures going up and scaffolding coming down, it is clear that the reopening of the Gibbes on May 28th is fast approaching. During my second semester as an intern at the Gibbes, I have been given the opportunity to see a lot of projects develop and cannot wait to see them come to life […]