The thirteen-annual Kiawah Art & House Tour, sponsored by the member auxiliary group, Gibbes, etc., will take place on Friday, April 5, 2013, from 1 to 5pm. We will have five fabulous homes within the gated community to tour. This may be the “The Year of the View” as most of the homes have stunning views that are not to be missed. Proceeds from the event benefit education, exhibition and outreach programs at the Gibbes Museum.
We have been so fortunate to have lovely weather on the day of the tour and we are hoping for that to happen again this year. There is one home on the tour I am dying to show my husband. From the “man cave” to the indoor theater, to the fabulous car collection, he will be amazed!
An added attraction this year is that we will two local artists, Anna Cox and Mark Horton. Each has donated a painting which will be available to bid on during the House Tour. Instructions on how to bid can be found on the Gibbes, etc. website. Several of Anna’s paintings will also be on display at one of the featured homes.
I have been involved with the tour for the past five years in a number of positions ranging from a docent to ticket chair. For the past two years, I have been the publicity chair which I particularly enjoy because it gives me the opportunity to work closely with staff at the museum in addition to all of the merchants at Freshfields Village. In addition to the house tour, we are inviting all ticket holders to come out early on the day of the tour and enjoy shopping and dining at Freshfields Village. The merchants will be offering discounts and drawings so it is well worth your time to come early and enjoy the island before the tour!
Tour tickets are $55 and can be obtained by calling 843.722.2706, ext. 21, or purchased at one of the three real estate offices located on the island at Freshfields Village, the Main Gate or at the Sanctuary Hotel. They can also be purchased downtown at the Gibbes Museum Store. We hope to see you there!
—Carroll Dunn, Kiawah Art & House Tour Publicity Chair, and guest blogger
All photos by by Tina Schell.
Published April 4, 2013