We believe art is the difference between merely existing and being truly alive.

Intern Insights: Daisy Perez

I had an amazing opportunity this summer to intern for the Gibbes Summer Art Camp program. I am currently a rising junior at the University of South Carolina, where I have been studying Art Studio with a concentration in drawing. I have always loved creating my own artwork and feel as if the main reason I pursued it professionally was because of all the positive support I received growing up from my own art teachers and family.

Working in the Art Camp this summer as an intern has allowed me to give the same support I received to today’s children and ensure they have an even better experience. I have worked with children before, but never in a classroom setting. This role helped me truly experience working with kids from a variety of ages in a classroom setting.

While in the classroom I loved being able to help many of our students one on one, especially when it came to creative projects such as creating comics, maze building, and fry paintings! Being someone who studies art, it was exciting getting to help students brainstorm, design, and create their own artwork.

We were even given amazing opportunities this summer like walking through the museum’s galleries and hearing from one of the visiting artists, Ransome, while he worked in his studio!

Being able to work with teaching artists in a classroom setting has really opened my eyes to how much I love teaching art, especially to today’s youth. Interning at the Gibbes Museum of Art has given me the opportunity to help children today really explore art and the many different forms they can have fun with as young artists.

Summer Camp internships were made possible by the generous support of the South Carolina Arts Commission.

Published June 27, 2023

Top image: Daisy Perez at the Gibbes. Photo by MCG Photography

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