Category: Gibbes Museum of Art Archives - Gibbes Museum of Art

Renovation PlansPress Releases

The Gibbes Museum of Art Opens Café

Café Gibbes brings together local Southern food and art for museumgoers and public CHARLESTON, S.C., Dec. 5, 2016 – Today the Gibbes Museum of Art announced that the grand opening of Café Gibbes will take place on Tuesday, December 6. The café will serve as a casual eatery and will offer artisan sandwiches, savory soups, […]

Cane Bay Elementary third-graders react to a Kandinsky painting

EducationProgramsKids at the Gibbes

Students take over the Gibbes

This holiday season, we are amazed at the number of school groups coming through the Gibbes to learn from works in the permanent collection as well as the big draw: Realm of the Spirit: Solomon R. Guggenheim Collection and the Gibbes Museum of Art. From November 29 until the end of the Guggenheim exhibit on […]

Forward Together, 1997, by Jacob Lawrence;

ExhibitionsPress Releases

The Gibbes Museum of Art Commences New Year with Two Special Exhibitions

Iconic works from artist Jacob Lawrence and Southern painter West Fraser connect visitors with expressive art CHARLESTON, S.C., Nov. 29, 2016 – Each year, the Gibbes Museum of Art presents an innovative series of six to eight special exhibitions designed as an experimental platform for engaging with art in new and exciting ways and challenging […]

Boone Hall Plantation, ca. 1925, by Edwin Harleston

GeneralPermanent Collection

Art Sparks Grateful Memories

In October, Lasley Steever, the Gibbes Museum’s director of adult programs and digital engagement, and also my (wonderful) internship supervisor, asked me to write a blog in honor of the upcoming holidays. We agreed that a trip to the museum galleries would offer me inspiration and clarity for the assignment. As I left the offices, […]

Giving Tuesday

Renovation PlansPress Releases

Two Ways to Give Forward with the Gibbes on #GivingTuesday

The Gibbes is excited to participate in #GivingTuesday this year on November 29, 2016, and we invite you to join us! #GivingTuesday is a global movement that kicks off the charitable giving season. This year, all #GivingTuesday donations will go toward helping us complete our Campaign for Excellence capital campaign for financial sustainability. Here are […]

Gibbes Women's Council Museum Store

Museum Store

Local Designers featured in the Gibbes Museum Store

Our customers often ask if products we sell at the Museum Store are made locally and are disappointed when they are not. After receiving feedback from both out-of-town patrons and Museum members, I began to seek out local makers and artists. My goal was to find designers living and working in our great city and […]

The CSO string quartet performs chamber music at the Gibbes.


Music at the Museum

The Gibbes Museum is open until 8pm on Wednesday nights and offers activities for a variety of ages and interests. From art classes to gallery tours, lectures to concerts, there’s something for everyone. One of the partnerships we have developed is with the Charleston Symphony Orchestra, and together we are offering several short- and long-format […]

Unknown (two young girls), by unknown artist; daguerreotype; 3 ½ s 2 ½ inches; 1980.006.0004

Permanent CollectionKids at the Gibbes

Spooky Portraits of Children—Boo!

I love Halloween and always have. When I volunteered to tackle a Halloween-themed blog post I originally wanted to explore death photography in the collection. While this cringe-worthy tradition has not completely died out (pun totally intended), it was an accepted form of remembrance for many Americans in the 19th century. Photographers would pose children […]

The curatorial dream team, Tracey Bashkoff, Lauren Hinkson, and Sara Arnold.


Uncovering the Shared History of the Guggenheim and the Gibbes Museums

After nearly three years of planning, this Saturday Realm of the Spirit: Solomon R. Guggenheim Collection and the Gibbes Museum of Art opens to the public. This long awaited exhibition organized by the Guggenheim Museum, New York, in partnership with the Gibbes, features 36 masterworks by modern artists including Vasily Kandinsky, Marc Chagall, Pablo Picasso, […]

The Solomon R. Guggenheim Collection at the Gibbes Museum in 1936


Guggenheim comes to Charleston, Again

It’s easy to understand why my great grandfather, Solomon R. Guggenheim and his wife Irene, were so committed to Charleston and the Lowcountry. Here, Solomon, was able to hunt, fish, ride, and savor country life on Big Survey, his home in Yemassee, while Irene spent time living in the Roper House, enjoying the city, and […]