The Gibbes Museum and Charleston Jazz are teaming up to bring you original compositions inspired by works on view. Enjoy performances by some of Charleston's most talented musicians.
This event is currently SOLD OUT. We may increase capacity leading up to the performance. If you are interested in being contacted should tickets become available please register for the waitlist below.
About Peter Kfoury
Peter Kfoury is a Lebanese-American who grew up listening to Middle Eastern music. While in his teens he started playing the oud, the direct ancestor of the lute and the principle instrument in all of the countries and cultures of the Middle East. Over time, he has played not only traditional Arabic music, but has used all of the influences of the American melting pot to develop a unique style that fuses Middle Eastern with jazz, pop and even funk. He presents a varied program with beautiful songs, original material and classics in a melodic and percussive style. He has two albums available, "At The Heart of Two Worlds" (2015) and "Breaking All The Rules" (2020) on these streaming services: Spotify, Amazon, iTunes, Apple Music and
Art of Jazz is sponsored in part by Monster Music and Movies